Air Quality Module
MP135 Air-Quality Gas Sensor
Air quality monitoring gas sensor for home and office air cleaners, and fresh air system.,Semiconduc..
MP503 Air-Quality Gas Sensor
Air quality monitoring gas sensor for home and office air cleaners, and fresh air system,Semiconduct..
MP801 Air-Quality Gas Sensor
Semiconductor flat surfaced sensorGas sensor is for air quality,It adopts multilayer thick film manu..
MP901 Air-Quality Gas Sensor VOC Gas Sensor
Air quality monitoring gas sensor for home and office air cleaners, and fresh air system,Semiconduct..
MP905 Air-Quality Gas Sensor
Gas sensor is for air quality with multi layer thick film manufacturing technology,Detection Gas: be..
MQ135 Semiconductor Sensor for Air Quality
Air quality sensor and VOC sensor MQ135 for IAQ monitor applicationDetection Gas: ammonia, sulfide, ..
MQ138 VOC Gas Sensor
Air quality sensor and VOC sensor MQ138 for IAQ monitor application,Sensitive material of MQ138 gas ..
WSP2110 VOC Gas Sensor
air quality monitoring gas sensor for home and office air cleaners, and fresh air system,semiconduct..
WSP5110 refrigerant Gas Sensor
Refrigerant detection gas sensor adopts multi layer thick film manufacturing technologysemiconductor..
ZP01-MP503 Air-Quality Monitoring Module
Air-quality module adopts flat surface semiconductor gas sensorTarget Gas: rmaldehyde, be..
ZP07-MP503 Air-Quality Detection Module
Air-quality module adopts flat surface semiconductor gas sensor,Detection Gas: form..